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Students learning in the DWOC Center

College of Arts and Humanities

艺术与人文学院致力于博雅教育的理想,并作为大学的知识核心, 提供智力和艺术项目,吸引学生、教师和社区合作, dialogue, and discoveryPrograms of study include art, English, media, music, philosophy, religious studies, theatre, and world languages.  学生也有机会通过跨学科的视角研究各种主题和问题. 

该学院赞助了大量的课程和课外活动, including study abroad, music, and theatre performances; writing awards; art exhibitions; lectures; and a range of programs that promote the arts, humanities, and the exchange of ideas. 学院内还设有全球教育中心和WRMU.


CAH Career Corner